Privacy Policy

The Fondation Custodia may hold personal data relating to users of its services. As the body responsible for processing this data, the Fondation Custodia, located 121 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris, France, is aware of the need to protect and safeguard your privacy.

This Privacy Policy outlines the manner in which the Fondation Custodia collects and processes your personal data. It applies to the range of services offered on this website ( and on the associated websites (,,, as well as to visitors to our reading room and library, to our suppliers and to all those persons whose personal data is held by the Fondation Custodia.

Data Collection

We collect and process data provided to us by you, in the following instances:

1) Signing up to our E-newsletter

When you sign up to our E-newsletter, you will be asked to provide us with the personal information required by us to process your request for subscription and for sending the E-newsletter, namely your surname, first name and email address. The information supplied to us will be used exclusively for the purpose of keeping you informed of our news.

Each of our E-newsletters contains a link allowing you to manage your subscription preferences and another link allowing you to unsubscribe.

2) Ordering Catalogues

When you complete your order form on this website, you will be asked to send us the personal details we require to process your order (issuing an invoice and dispatching the order), namely your surname, first name, e-mail address and postal address. The information supplied will be used exclusively for the purpose of enabling you to use our services.

3) Collectors’ Marks

When you fill out the contact form on the website, you will be asked to furnish us with various personal details, including your name, email address and postal address. The information supplied by you will be used exclusively to allow us to process the information you send, in order to update the Collectors’ Marks database.

4) Visiting our Reading Room

When you come to the Fondation Custodia to consult works in our collection, you will be asked to furnish us with the various personal details we need to register you, including your surname, first name, e-mail address, postal address and the number of your identity card; this is for the protection and security of our collection. Provision of the aforementioned data is compulsory. Without it, no registration can be carried out and access to the reading room cannot be granted.

5) Enrolment in the Library

The information supplied by you when registering at our library includes your surname, first name, date of birth, e-mail and postal address and telephone number. Provision of the aforementioned data is compulsory. Without it, enrolment is not possible and access to the library and its services cannot be granted.

Your personal details are used solely to:
- Inform you of changes of opening times
- Allow you to reserve documents remotely
- Register the documents put aside for you
- Inform you of decisions taken should our regulations not be adhered to
- Guarantee your access to all the library’s services
- Contact you when a reservation becomes available, when the purchase of a document suggested by you has been made, or if you have left personal belongings in the building

6) All other contact with the Fondation Custodia

During your exchanges with the Fondation Custodia, whether by telephone, e-mail or post, we may find it necessary to retain your details, including your surname, first name, e-mail address and postal address. The information supplied by you will be used exclusively to deal with your requests for information and to enable you to make use of our services.

7) Browsing our websites and cookies

When you visit our websites and, some data may be saved including your IP address, your browser and your choice of language, via cookies and the Google Analytics service. Cookies are used only with your agreement and in no case permit identification.

A cookie is a small data file placed on your hard drive when you access one of our websites. Cookies are used for example to monitor web page traffic (numbers of visitors, the most viewed pages, etc.) and to improve your user experience.

Your Internet browser gives you the ability to manage cookies. You can thus at any time delete the cookies stored in your computer and set your browser to ask permission for the placing of new cookies. It is possible to install systematic rejection of cookies or, alternatively, to accept cookies by consent on each website you visit. We draw your attention to the fact that refusing cookies can affect browsing on our Internet sites.

The aims of data management

The Fondation Custodia collects and manages personal data for specific and legitimate purposes, which are:

On the legal basis of your consent:

• Sending news about the activities of the Fondation Custodia (E-newsletter, invitations to openings, etc);
• Enrolment in the library service of the Fondation Custodia;
• Managing events organised by the Fondation Custodia (confirmations of reservations, for example);
• Processing applications addressed to the Fondation Custodia;
• Processing requests for information, plus all correspondence with the Fondation Custodia;
• Processing Collectors’ Marks submitted through its website;
• Monitoring web page traffic.

On the legal basis of the contract:

• Processing orders of catalogues or images (invoicing, despatch and delivery).

On the legal basis of our legitimate interests:

• Registration for the reading room of the Fondation Custodia (to guarantee the security of the works of art and prevent fraud).

Who has access to the data?

Personal data collected for the purposes outlined above is solely for the use of authorised employees of the Fondation Custodia, to the extent necessary for the performance of their work.

The personal data collected will under no circumstances be distributed, sold, leased or exchanged by the Fondation Custodia to third parties without your consent. In exceptional circumstances, and in conformity with our legal obligations, your personal data may be shared with the competent authorities.

The Fondation Custodia will not share the information it collects with its service providers and sub-contractors unless this is essential for the execution of the processes listed above. The said service providers and sub-contractors are bound by the same contractual terms to ensure that your personal information is protected.

Retention and security of data

Your data will not be retained for longer than necessary for the purposes for which it is collected and processed.

The Fondation Custodia undertakes to ensure the protection of your personal data by implementing physical, electronic and managerial protection procedures. These technologies and procedures safeguard the security and confidentiality of your data and prevent any unauthorised persons from gaining access to it, or its use, alteration or disclosure.

The Fondation Custodia websites include links to other websites, including links to social media networks. The Fondation Custodia cannot be held responsible for the content of these other websites, nor for their level of security or the confidentiality measures taken by them.

Your rights

In accordance with the law Informatique et Libertés (Information Technology and Freedom) of 6 January 1978, modified by the Règlement Général sur la Protection des Données (General Data Protection Regulation), in force since 25 May 2018, you can gain access to the data that concerns you, rectify it, demand its deletion or exercise your right to the portability or restrictions on the processing of your data.

To exercise these rights, or for any question relating to the processing of your data, you can contact the Fondation Custodia, 121 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris, France, +33 (0)1 47 05 75 19,


Should any modifications be made, our revised Privacy Policy will be put online on this website, with the date of its most recent update.

Last updated 6 November 2020